“The best have coaches…the coach can see what you can’t see because you’re in the forest; they’re outside of it.”

Hugh Jackman




A coach and consultant to lawyers throughout the globe with over 20 years experience in the London Insurance market. 

Michelle started her career in a law firm before joining the Insurance industry. She has been involved in some of the largest US liability losses in the London market and negotiated some of the highest profile settlements. As a personal challenge and to further understand what lawyers must do to practice, she took and passed the New York Bar Exam in 2019. Michelle then moved into a senior business development role at a large adjusting firm before founding Fell, a coaching and consultancy working with clients by referral and invitation only.

Having always been fascinated by what motivates individuals, and what causes them to limit themselves, she has engaged in comprehensive training in coaching, emotional intelligence, leadership, and business development.

Recently, Michelle has examined the relationship between clients and the lawyers they instruct, bringing to light the problems that have always been there and always been ignored. She offers a unique perspective to business development and how to build a practice your way.

Email Michelle now to arrange a call or book in directly on the Contact Us page.


What I want you to know about me is…..

I passed my 11+ at 9 years old and went to a Grammar School before my 10th birthday (only Brits will know what I’m talking about here).

I took the New York Bar as a mental challenge and passed first time, with a 23% pass rate for foreign lawyers.

I found the love of my life at 41 years old and got married on a beach in San Diego at 45 years old. Change can be good!

I now split my time between London and New Jersey, which shows you really never know where life will lead you!

I was asked to speak at the IFASIC conference in Dubrovnik on Motivating Employees Post-Pandemic. I opened with a Stalin quote!

My long-term goal is to open a school for young parents who think they have few options and no route to a successful happy life.

I have worked with some of the wealthiest, most intelligent, theatrical lawyers, around the globe. Spoiler alert - they all have the same insecurities and fears.

Taking this leap is the most exciting, terrifying and rewarding thing I have ever done. To make a difference to lives in a time full of anxiety, fear and loneliness.

What I don’t want you to know about me is….

I am an introvert. I love people but I get very excited when plans get cancelled.

If you were to believe nonsense stereotypes, I should be text book messed up from my upbringing. Instead I chose to make my own choices and let go of the ready made excuses. Mostly!

I have had to deal with negative narrow-minded opinions for most of my life. Despite it being almost 30 years later, some still really piss me off!

I hate my photograph being taken! I understand most women have to do some body image work as we get older but photos of me tend to set me back a step or two. Doesn’t seem worth it.

I have had my heart broken, felt lost and been treated badly (by those I expected it from and those I didn’t).

I have felt powerless, afraid, scared and hurt. Sometimes all at once.

I get botox.

I’ve had a nose job - if you don’t like it, change it.

I’ve spent my whole life looking for somewhere I could be seen, heard and loved. I wanted to belong.

I have a weird addiction to TV crime dramas and still find rewatching episodes of Murder She Wrote oddly comforting.

This list was much easier to write than things I do want you to know!